Sunday, September 19, 2010


The symbolism of the butterfly is most commonly centered upon its unique transformation. In the beginning, its existence starts out as a crawling caterpillar. It then wraps itself in darkness during the dormant and captive chrysalis phase. And finally, when the transformation is complete, it emerges and is reborn into a beautiful, winged creature who can now spread its wings and fly. In my opinion, that is one of life's most impressive forms of evolution. The amazing metamorphosis of the butterfly is a powerful symbol of change and a reminder of the fragility of life.

"Because of the butterfly's short life span, many ancient peoples saw it as emblematic of the impermanent. It's physical beauty and its fluttering from flower to flower seeking nectar have made it synonymous with the more unstable and superficial aspects of the human soul."

  • "Vision is a complicated process that requires numerous components of the human eye and brain to work together. The initial step of this fascinating and powerful sense is carried out in the retina of the eye. Specifically, the photoreceptor neurons (called photoreceptors) in the retina collect the light and send signals to a network of neurons that then generate electrical impulses that go to the brain. The brain then processes those impulses and gives information about what we are seeing. Light that reflects off of objects around us is imaged onto the retina by the lens. The retina, which consists of three layers of neurons (photoreceptor, bipolar and ganglion) is responsible for detecting the light from these images and then causing impulses to be sent to the brain along the optic nerve. The brain decodes these images into information that we know as vision."

- Excerpt taken from: "How We See: The First Steps of Human Vision"

When Emily was born, she was blind. Her brain had the ability to gain vision, but but the physical barrier of her clouded corneas prevented any light or images from being sent to the retina.

Like the evolution of a butterfly, Emily underwent her own unique transformation. She began her life just as the caterpillar does...crawling along, full of potential and the inner strength needed to realize that potential. She was living in a world of darkness for so long and endured countless surgeries, her time of captivity and change. Now, she has finally emerged with her eyes wide open, ready to see our world...her beautiful wings, ready to take her wherever she wants to go.

Just as the butterfly was once believed to be a symbol of impermanence, we are reminded everyday that the vision she has gained isn't permanent either. She has already had two transplants in both eyes, due to rejection and re-clouding of the corneas. And we are fighting to prevent the glaucoma from stealing her vision everyday. We will continue the struggle to maintain and improve her vision for the rest of her life. And all we have to hold on to is "Hope".

A couple weeks ago, I decided to forever mark the journey Emily has been through by getting a tattoo in her honor. Everyone gets tattoo's for different reasons, the loss of a loved one, the birth of a child, an emotionally difficult time in their life - or they just like the art. This tattoo is very personal and holds an unimaginable amount of emotion in it. The pain of actually getting the tattoo is so minimal compared to the physical pain Emily has been through and the emotional pain I have endured as her mother. But we are hoping the worst is behind us and from here on out we can smile and look on with amazement with how far Emily has come in her short and precious lifetime.

Fly...spread your wings Emily, and fly! Fly wherever the wind will take you, and know that wherever you land, Mommy and Daddy will always be by your side.

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